Sellin Stuff

With a potential move for my family on the horizon, I feel the urgent need to simplify. Unload. Throw everything out.
Two weekends ago, we had our first yard sale. Which- can I just say, why do people expect you to practically give everything away? If I wanted to give my stuff away, I'd DONATE it. So don't expect me to sell you my perfectly good Tassimo Hot Beverage Maker for fiddy cents. And when I say no to your offer of fiddy cents, don't scoff at me and wipe your hands on your shorts like my yard sale stuff is dirty. That is not going to help your negotiating chances.

Moving on. We made almost 200 dollars! Woot to the woot. It felt good.

Really, really good.

And it got me in the mood to sell everything else. Things I wasn't even thinking of selling!

Stuff is overrated. Money? Money isn't.

So make me an offer. Just more than fiddy cents.

What's For Lunch

Organic Cherry tomatoes
Organic grapes and pear
Vegetable Pasta with Pesto

***Yum.*** :)

Blogger's Apprehension

I have a confession.

Come closer.

I am afraid to blog.

What if I fail? What if I don't update frequently enough?


What if I have nothing to say?

Well, that's just silly. I always have something to say.

What if I regret what I say?


Maybe I should just give it a go. This blog has been dormant long enough, taunting me from the corner of the interwebs. It's time to dust it off and send it out into the world.
Or at least the World wide web.

Now. I hope my words don't fail me.