I hear a lot of Mom-types complaining about not having time to eat healthy now that they have a youngun taking up their time and energy. Sure, you may not have as much time to prepare healthier foods, but you can spend as much time buying healthier options as unhealthy ones, so no more complaining.
But what to eat on the go? When your little one is trying to climb the stairs fearlessly? When teething babies prevent you from spending more than five minutes to refuel?
Here are a few of my daily eateries. I tend to snack or eat lightly throughout the day, so I don't really sit down for a proper lunch or anything.
Just as a friendly small print disclaimer, I am not a nutritionalist. Or a doctor. But I am a very hungry, breastfeeding (it does make you hungrier, and I am a firm believer in EATING when you are hungry!) Momma that fit into her pre-baby jeans a month after having said baby.
And I hate exercise.
I don't condone not exercising. But if you're not gonna jog around the block, and you're going to hate your chunky butt as it can't squeeze into your NotMom Jeans, some precautions must be taken.
So here are some healthy weekday foods that I have found to give me more energy, pack alot of nutritious punch, and keep me from wearing sweatpants day in and day out.
First, commit to breakfast. I know, I know, you "don't have time". Yeah ya do. It takes less than two minutes to prepare some healthy cereal for yourself.
I eat a high fiber cereal every day during the summer, (usually shredded wheat) with fresh fruit and soymilk. I like Silk. Delish. During the wintertime, I do steelcut oats (Trader Joe's has a frozen one, takes two minutes to cook,)
with walnuts and blueberries. You can use fresh, dehydrated, or frozen fruit-don't even thaw, just toss it in-and if you want it sweetened, use honey. Honey is a power-food, great for giving you a little energy. I sprinkle some cinnamon on top,too.

Breakfast is essential to maintaining a healthy weight. Just make sure that for your daily, routine breakfast, you stick to high fiber and protein (whole grains, fruit, eggs, milk or soymilk) and low fat (save the bacon for the weekend). Automate your breakfast. Make it part of your routine.
For the rest of the day, you can eat snacks or small meals. I eat constantly. I eat a full dinner, but hardly ever a "proper" lunch. Here are a few of my favorite snacks.
Vanilla yogurt and walnuts.
Can I just say that I heart Trader Joe's?

Quick mini "quesadillas"
I like mine with blue corn tortillas (also from TJ's) and a stick of provolone or plain old mozzarella cheese. Blue corn has 20% more protein than yellow corn, and also more phytonutrients, as does any food that naturally has more color. Just microwave a couple, roll up, and top with shredded lettuce, salsa or avocado. If you're feelin like you need some fiber in your world, spread with some refried black beans from a can before topping with cheese.
Raw nuts.
Truly the best snack for you to nosh on daily. Fiber and protein to keep you satisfied. EFAs and antioxidants to keep you alert, ward off cancer, and even keep your skin and hair looking great.
I like to keep a bag of raw, unsalted almonds on my kitchen counter, and I grab a handful throughout the day.
Apple slices and peanut butter.
Flatbread and hummus.
I don't diet. If I feel like ice cream or chocolate covered pretzels, I eat them. Everything in moderation, and drink as much water as you can possibly stand throughout the day. If you eat healthy 80% of the time, you can stand a treat now and then.
What are some of your favorite snacks?