Not my baby. My baby is much cuter.
It's about being a new Mom and an old Wife.

Oh, no, lovelies. I am much hotter. And younger. I was born in the eighties, after all...

That's better.
It's about being kinda crunchy-organic living? Yes.
Green living? Yes.
Baby wearing and Breastfeeding? Of course.
Cloth Diapers? Not so much....yet. I am little intimidated by the idea of flinging my baby's poo into the toilet and tossing yellow stained inserts over my shoulder into a pile of clothes I may or may not get to wash this week.
So,yeah. I'm that kind of crunchy.
I don't use products with harmful chemicals on any member of my family.
All of my produce, cleaning supplies, meat, dairy, and cosmetics, for the most part, are either organic or all natural.
I don't even use conventional nail polish.
I use reusable bags for shopping.
We're pretty healthy.
I don't wear shoes suited for trekking through the wilderness.
I wear makeup, and shave my underarms.

Not me.
Oh, and I hate exercise. So no hiking with trail mix around here. I'll eat it, for sure. But I'll probably be walking around a mall or something.
So, I guess you can say I live a crunchy lifestyle for the restofus.
Low maintenance greenery, Kinda like lantana.
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